The conference is officially over, and we are leaving Chalmers to get back to Gothenburg city to see what it is all about. It has been a good conference!
Monthly Archives: March 2012
SIDeR12 – Award Ceremony
The conference is just about to be over and we are at the award ceremony. And even though none of us won anything, we are proud to say that our excellent P.A., Tobias, got the second place with their concept, Ski’n'Pee!
SIDeR12 – Day two
SIDeR12 – Thursday AfterParty
SIDeR12 – Workshop and Prototyping
The end of the first day is closing in on us, and we have all been decided into teams and are working on design and prototypes for the workshop project. In short, we have to design some new experiences for the people coming to the Alpine World Cup in Austria next year..
SIDeR12 – First day starting
We are right now at the opening talk about gamification and first impressions are good.
SIDeR12 – Arriving in Gothenburg
Our article has been accepted at the Student Interaction Design Research 12 conference in Gothenburg, and we have arrived by ferry today.
The weather is great and we are enjoying the city already. Here are some pictures of our arrival…

Kuggen seen from the ferry

Departing the ferry

In Gothenburg

Church in Gothenburg

Tobias in our room